Thursday, September 13, 2012

Cosplay Tips - How To Pose Better

Shauna Leva, who's done great cosplay like 'Sheik' from the Zelda series gives some words of advice on how to pose better.

Awesome Photos - Showcase from

I was quite daft to realize this but has this section under 'Photography' called 'Showcase Photos' and it in, is just absolutely MIND. BLOWING. STUFF

Some people would argue that 'oh there's too much CG that the model doesn't look real' but the point of cosplay is it ISN'T real. And anyway, all the movies, TV, game images you see aren't real, they've all been touched up or cleverly touched up by someone! So I'm fine with it looking the way it is.

Indie Spotlight - PewDiePie Cosplay?

PewDiePie, the hilarious Scary Game player/ commentator and YouTube star has quite a gained following on his YouTube channel that people have decided to COSPLAY him as well as some of the crazy enemies from the 'Amnesia' game series

Spotlight - Borderlands - Germany

 Borderlands 2 is almost out and some amazing Borderlands cosplay has been making the rounds!

MadameSpontaneous of Germany and her awesome friends have just been featured on Kotaku for their crazy cool Borderlands cosplay!

Upcoming Convention - Stan Lee's Comikaze - LA, USA

Happening this weekend in LA is 'Stan Lee's Comikaze'. Legendary comic book creator, Stan Lee has started his own Con which will feature guests like

Zombie Run! - Resident Evil Retri Promo - Singapore

As a publicity stunt for Resident Evil Retribution, Sony Pictures and Shaw Movie Theatres in Singapore had a 'Zombie Run' event which had the public running through some zombies as well as saying hi to Resident Evil cosplayers!

Featured cosplayers - Kiellne and Blacklash Jo

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