

Winter Comiket 2012! Tokyo Japan


Sunday, February 3, 2013


Cosplay Special on King of the Nerds! - USA, reality TV

King of the Nerds, an indie reality TV show featured a Cosplay segment with the contestants dressing up as RPG characters and be judged by awesome celebrities - Adam Bush, Yaya Han and George Takei It looked like tons of fun I reckon Yaya also talks about her experience on the show when she filmed last year in...
Posted by Grimzy

Friday, February 1, 2013


Showcase - Amazing Arizona Comic Con! - Arizona, USA

Phew, Janurary was sure a quiet month for comic cons and cosplay. BUT! Jan 25 to 27 was the Amazing Arizona Comic Con! Let's check out the awesome photos from the those who were there! BEAUTIFUL photoset by GBrummett of flickr. LOVE YOUR STUFF man!  Also TONS more photos by DTJAMM Sexy Red Skull! Steampunk Harley! WHOA!...
Posted by Grimzy

Thursday, January 31, 2013


Flab to Fab story! - Ajo from Taiwan - Rocket News

Phew, have been INSANELY BUSY with work at my new job. (I work till really REALLY late like to 10pm) Rocket News reports that a Taiwanese Cosplayer by the name of Ajo shed the pounds to be this super awesome hot chic to Cosplay! "Around ten years ago, Rolan Ajo of Taiwan weighed over 70 kg (154 lbs) and decided to try cosplay for...
Posted by Grimzy

Monday, January 7, 2013


Photoshoot - Mortal Kombat goes Grindhouse! - 12 North Photography

Mortal Kombat is one of those video games you either like or hate. Either way, it's about people kicking each others ass in violent gory ways and about babes with er.. lots of boob. 12 North Photography grabbed a bunch of cosplayers together : Jessica Nigiri (Sonya), Rosanna Rocha (Mileena) and Paris Sinclair (Jade) and took photos...
Posted by Grimzy

Thursday, January 3, 2013


JP Cosplay Culture - Interesting Things About JP Cosplay Culture

 Kotaku has stuck a pretty neat article about JP cosplayers, the hidden culture and something interesting: They are impressed with foreigners who cosplay According to the article, JP cosplay culture has a 'respect' level too: 1. Cosplayers who make their own outfits Vs Cosplayers who buy outfits from the store Considered not...
Posted by Grimzy

Wednesday, January 2, 2013


Article - Setting New Year Resolutions - Life Hacks

Yup, it's a brand new year! And with that, people start setting all sorts of resolutions for the year. However, chances of you ever finish them/ accomplishing them is very slim. Why? Cause they're too far off goals that no one actually wants to finish. Your brain just messes with you and says 'bah, so far off, don't care.' So let's...
Posted by Grimzy

Tuesday, January 1, 2013


Showcase - Winter Comiket 2012 - Tokyo Japan

K-ON Girls Ahh Comiket. The Comic Con of Japan but even LARGER and MORE INSANE. I remember going to Comiket, 2 years ago in 2010 during off peak period and it was STILL PACKED AND CRAZY. Comiket stands for 'Comic Market' which is a huge convention for all things Manga - fan drawn Manga in particular. (the funny thing is probably 90%...
Posted by Grimzy
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